COVID-19 Update

COVID-19 UpdateAs the situation surrounding COVID-19 (Coronavirus) continues to develop, Watermark Medical’s focus on the health and safety of our staff, partners, customers and patients is our top priority. We are closely monitoring guidance from the CDC and other public health organizations and taking appropriate action to ensure we continue to provide uninterrupted technical support, as well as maintain clinical and diagnostic services for our home sleep testing clients. While most of our technical and clinical staff are working remotely, we currently maintain shipping/receiving and quality assurance services from our office to manage device maintenance and repair requirements.

A few questions regarding the coronavirus outbreak have been specifically asked about the cleaning processes of the ARES device. Our cleaning procedure (when followed as described in the ARES Product Guide) has been validated and meets agency guidelines to mitigate the transfer risk of bacteria and viruses. For our customers safety, the ARES User Guide intended to be given or reviewed with each patient, includes instructions for the patient to place the device back in the plastic bag to return to the issuing facility. Once cleaned, storing the ARES device in a new resealable plastic bag will help ensure that the ARES remains clean and ready for the next patient use. Those who clean the devices after patient use can limit their chance of exposure by proper use of gloves and frequent washing of their hands. We are monitoring guidelines from CDC and other regulatory agencies and will adjust our procedure if their recommendations change.

Employers and Wellness Managers

Providing Sleep Solutions For Employers and Member Populations

Managing employee and member direct and indirect healthcare costs is an important requirement for all employers and population health providers. Sleep health plays an important role in improving patient health and wellness and can bear significant costs if left undiagnosed and untreated. About twelve percent of the U.S. population suffers from Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA), contributing to decreases in the quality of life and productivity, while increasing healthcare costs. Watermark Medical can deliver effective sleep health solutions to mitigate costs and improve health outcomes. We strive to make your employees and populations healthier and your business more efficient.

What Our Solution Means to You

OSA negatively affects medical costs, workplace safety, and productivity. The ARES™ solution and an effective partnership can help alleviate these negative impacts on your business.

Medical Expenses:
Sleep disorders contribute to and further complicate conditions like heart disease, diabetes, and obesity, significantly increasing medical costs.

Employees with untreated sleep disorders are 3x more likely to miss work, and 1.5x more likely to be hospitalized.

Workplace Safety:
Untreated sleep disorders make workplace accidents 3x more likely to occur.

The Difference in Numbers

Here are three metrics to show you the difference sleep health testing and treatment can make:



per member per month (PMPM) savings for those treated for sleep disorders versus those not



better patient compliance than competing programs



reduction in preventable accidents

Partnering with Employers and Wellness Managers

Convenient Home Sleep Testing

Employees and/or members complete a brief sleep assessment either online or in paper form. Those that are identified as high risk for sleep disorders will be contacted to provide education and/or provided a home sleep test based on individual results. The ARES™ Home Sleep Test is mailed directly to employees with pre-paid postage to receive and return the device.

Create Healthier Employees

Employees treated for sleep disorders have reported increased cognitive function, energy levels, and quality of life. This translates to increased productivity and lower absenteeism.

Cost Effective Diagnosis

Home Sleep Testing is a cost-effective and convenient alternative to in-lab testing, which can amount to thousands of dollars in savings.

Save on Medical Expenses

Treating for Sleep Disorders such as Sleep Apnea can positively impact the management of comorbidities directly associated, such as drug-resistant hypertension, diabetes, and heart disease.

Benefits of ARES™

Our ARES™ Home Sleep Test system brings together comfort, convenience, and state-of-the-art technology for a complete approach to sleep care. ARES™ is:

Data-Driven: Our analytic tools help identify at-risk groups and develop care strategies to advance population health.

Streamlined: A cloud-based system that makes the patient experience easier and more effective. Provides access to Board Certified clinicians that work together to formulate a proactive approach to sleep wellness.

Convenient: Easy-to-use, wearable device in any sleep position, and capable of collecting up to three nights of data, ARES™ makes sleep studies convenient for both physicians and patients.

Compliant: Our compliance rate is significantly higher than our peer providers, leading to lower long-term costs


Sleep apnea is a significant health hazard for employees in the transportation industry. From pilots to train conductors, testing for OSA is crucial in preventing accidents at work. Watermark Medical has developed a unique chain of custody for ARES™ that ranges from user to clinician, ensuring compliance with OSA testing guidelines.

A Comprehensive Approach to Sleep Health

Watermark Medical provides a comprehensive approach to sleep health, including proactive screening, cost-effective diagnosis, and access to therapy providers. Our system helps employees and members achieve wellness, and employers attain a more productive and safer work environment, all while providing a better system for sleep disorder diagnosis and treatment.

To learn more about the ARES™ system and how we can help your business, contact us today for more information.

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